STATIC strict digraph { rankdir=LR node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=bisque] "I Was A Teenage Exocolonist" "My Favorite Characters" "Stratospheric" node [fillcolor=palegreen] "I Was A Teenage Exocolonist" -> "Vertumna" "I Was A Teenage Exocolonist" -> "My Favorite Characters" "I Was A Teenage Exocolonist" -> "Wormhole" "I Was A Teenage Exocolonist" -> "Stratospheric" "I Was A Teenage Exocolonist" -> "Wormhole" "I Was A Teenage Exocolonist" -> "Exocolonist Fan Art" node [fillcolor=palegreen] "My Favorite Characters" -> "Sol" "My Favorite Characters" -> "Young Strato Colonists" "My Favorite Characters" -> "Nem" "My Favorite Characters" -> "Tang" "My Favorite Characters" -> "Dys" "My Favorite Characters" -> "Marz" "My Favorite Characters" -> "Cal" "My Favorite Characters" -> "Tammy" node [fillcolor=palegreen] "Stratospheric" -> "Wormhole" "Stratospheric" -> "Vertumna" "Stratospheric" -> "Strato Colony" "Stratospheric" -> "Melatonin" "Stratospheric" -> "Tammy" "Stratospheric" -> "Expeditions" "Stratospheric" -> "Strato Colony"}
A computer game by Northway Games web combining visual novel aesthetics with a story arc of growing up among peers from age 10 to 19 in a colony on the far-off planet Vertumna, making choices, learning about your friends, building skills, and understanding the mysterious forces which threaten My Favorite Characters in the colony during the long, long night of Glow season.
There's something spooky about that Wormhole up in the sky. There's something very weird about your dreams. But nothing really holds together and makes sense.
And then, once you've reached age 20, you get a story of how your choices and actions affected the colony and your friends for the rest of your life.
But you wake up again, a child on the spaceship Stratospheric on the way to the Wormhole. And then you get to live your life over again. Different this time. Better. Because you know what's coming this time.
Or do you?
I made some Exocolonist Fan Art.